Human beings are very inventive; and, given a problem, a solution will be forthcoming—-even if it makes a bigger problem requiring and even more ingenious solution. This is where the term “Yankee Ingenuity” comes from.
Lots of times the solution might be to re-use something that has outlived its usefulness for what it was designed and then reused for something else. In construction, it was once common to reuse foundation form boards for roof/wall/floor sheathing and old wooden nail barrels might get reused as forms for a pier.
People have been known to take worn out bathtubs and stick them in the ground as an alcove for religious statues, and to use worn out tires for sandboxes and tire swings.
It makes me wonder what other uses we will find for some of the things we manufacturer now. Can’t you just see retaining walls made out of old monitors filled with concrete? Who knows.
But back to the point of this post.
A long time ago,
On a planet far away, before this thing was “pretending” to be a support post, it was a _________________?

Well, if you guessed an old wagon axel—you would be right.
Charles Buell, Seattle Home Inspector
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