We all visit the doctor now and then—-mostly when we get sick.

However there are some things that we do routinely—like going to the dentist to get our teeth cleaned by the dental hygienist. The dentist usually comes in to check and see how things are going at that time. These checkups are kind of like an “inspection.” We get a professional assessment of the condition of our teeth and avoid perhaps way more costly “repairs.”
Of course our teeth can often be as much of a money pit as our homes can be.
So why don’t people get routine check-ups for their homes?
It seems that the only time the home inspector gets called is when the house is for sale. Lets say you have been living in your home for 5, 10, 20, 40 years and have never seen a home inspector. There is a really good chance that there will be lots of issues—-especially if you have a weekend warrior living under your roof (or are one yourself). All those cool “upgrades” you have done to the home, without permits, will likely have tons of issues that you may be unaware of.
There are likely, electrical issues, plumbing issues, roofing issues, wood destroying organism issues, heating & cooling system issues and an endless list of other possibilities.
When was the last time you were in your crawl space?
Are you trained to know what you should be looking for in your crawl space?
When you brush your teeth in the morning are you capable of knowing what is going on in there the same way your dentist would?
If you have lived in your house for five years I can most certainly guarantee that your home has issues that need addressing that exceed the cost of the home inspection. Look at what you pay the dentist for him to look in your mouth and say, “Looks great—-see you in six months.”
All homes could benefit from professional home inspections every two years—-especially if crawl spaces are involved. Perhaps every year if weekend warriors are involved.
Call your dentist home inspector today!
In fact call this Seattle Home Inspector for a quote—–hopefully it won’t be like pulling teeth.