One of the cool things about gravity is that it tends to hold things down.
Without gravity everything would float around like mold spores and clouds. Even bricks would be relatively harmless unless you ran into them instead of them falling on you.
We can use gravity to our advantage. Without it how would we get the rain down here? How would we get rivers and oceans to stay where they belong? (For the most part anyway)
Without gravity there would be no bungee jumping or skydiving. Even sport climbing would become boring. The majority of adrenalin producing sports rely heavily on gravity for maximum effect. When a boxer face-plants—-splattering sweat and blood all over the place like a sponge hitting a brick wall—-THAT is gravity at work—along with centrifugal forces no doubt.
Water balloons would be useless without gravity.
Of course, as we age, certain body parts might be better off without gravity.
I am sure we don’t even want to think about the importance of gravity as it relates to toilets.
It is a bit of a paradox, but one of the things that is NOT cool about gravity is that the heavier the object the more interesting it becomes. As you can see from this chimney—-any one of these falling bricks would be more than enough to ruin someone’s day—-if not life.

Brick chimneys can be one of the most costly things to maintain on a home and are often neglected because they are tall and some areas often are not easily seen. I think that one can easily see that the bad part of this chimney is not visible from the street and most inspectors would not go on this roof to inspect it. Of course one would think that finding bricks on the ground next to the house would serve as some sort of warning.
But then again, some people have to be hit in the head with a brick to wake them up.
By Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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