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Like a hot-air balloon rising above the landscape in the blue twilight of a far off moon, this light bulb dangles from one filament—-no longer lighting up anybody’s life and ready to crash to the floor the next time someone whacks it with their head. Of course it is upside down for the reference to other worlds.
This bulb, only 70 inches off the floor, might give somebody’s head a little electrical shock from the exposed wires of the broken bulb—not to mention a possible scalping.
The porcelain bulb holder is hidden under the mud of the lunar landscape. This leaves the bulb holder inaccessible. Of course perhaps the person that created this installation was from another planet.
I had always been optimistic that if there is intelligent life on other planets that the odds are pretty good that they are smarter than we are here on this planet.***
Charles Buell, Seattle Home Inspector
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