When something is not quite right on a home inspection—-it usually just does not “feel” right. When I went up on this roof, the following “defect” looked so “normal” that it did NOT jump right out at me. That surprised me because usually when something is wrong—-that is exactly what happens—-it sticks out like a zit on a beauty queens nose.

The Dish Antenna was so nicely clamped to the pipe it seemed like the pipe coming through the roof had been put there for the sole purpose of supporting the antenna. Then I got to thinking—-so where is any rain water that enters the pipe going to end up?
Oh yes—the sewer!
This is the infamous combination sewer vent/antenna holder.
I guess it looks funny after all—-but probably better than the usual bolting of the dish right to the roof surface.
By Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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