![Stoned Steps—someone else was stoned as well!](https://www.buellinspections.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/stonevents.jpg)
If you look closely at the following the picture—-you should be able to see three exhaust vent caps hidden in the shadow between the side of the house and the rockery steps.
A question comes to mind.
How is anyone going to be able to inspect or maintain these caps?
The kicker is that one cap is a screened dryer vent. All vents need to be maintained—-especially dryer vents. Dryer vent caps should never have screens installed in the cap to begin with—-they clog up quick enough without a screen. It will be virtually impossible to maintain these caps with the stones installed this close.
Perhaps the rockery installer was stoned while setting these 800+ pound stones.
Someone is going to have to get stoned again and move them far enough away to create adequate access.
By Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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