I could do endless numbers of posts about how the trades don’t talk to each other. We have become so compartmentalized in the building trades that I am wondering how it is possible to get anything done right. I think a certain amount of basic info about all of the other trades should be incorporated into the training for each individual trades—it seems there either isn’t enough or “somebody” just doesn’t care.
Otherwise we would not end up with plumbers installing stuff like the picture below.

I that it will be very difficult—if not impossible—to get this burner out of the furnace for repairs or servicing. A different configuration of fittings could have allowed for both trades to do their job, but because the plumber didn’t know the requirements of the Heating Contractor, didn’t care, or hadn’t had his coffee yet, they have made the job of the Heating Contractor very difficult. Whatever the reason—-the Heating Contractor is not going to be very happy.
Of course the other possibility is that this was the work of some homeowner that was even more clueless.
Charles Buell, Seattle Home Inspector
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