People love to increase the usable space in their homes by finishing off basements.
Often, buyers will want to discuss various plans to remodel these basement spaces. They want to know if this post can be moved or if walls can be added or if the foundation can be covered etc.
Take a look at the beam in the following picture.
Notice that the beam has been cut half way through. Why do you think this was done? Well it was done because sometimes the long wood beam will have a crown in it. By cutting half way through the beam it will settle down on the support post properly making the floor nice and flat.
But that begs the question: “Where is the support post?”
Someone decided that the space would be more usable without the support post so it was removed. Since there was really nothing above more than the floor load—-they got away with it for the time being. Remodeling above that changed the loading patterns would likely result in problems for the poorly supported beam.
Perhaps the baby grand piano better be placed elsewhere.
These kinds of structural alterations should be properly engineered. Posts can be eliminated if the proper compensations are installed.
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