WOODn’t it be nice if we could get exterior wood surfaces to grow and repair themselves?
We could create truly “living homes” as well as “lived-in” homes.
Unfortunately wood doesn’t work like that. Within hours of being cut it starts its return to the earth and quickly becomes food and shelter for other plants—-and for insects as well. We call these insects “wood destroying insects” but in fact they are merely doing their job. They carry little signs that say, “If you don’t want me to eat your house—-don’t make it look like food and/or insect habitat.”
Of course we only pay limited attention to these “signs.” We unknowingly encourage the circle of life. We cannot stop this cycle—-but we can slow it down significantly with the proper precautions and good building practices.
The person that installed the siding detail around this deck barrier obviously was not reading the signs.

By Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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