A while back I had a soccer game at a local high school where I saw an “interesting” B-Vent pipe running up the side of the gymnasium. I didn’t have my camera with me, and I could have kicked myself in the head–as it is totally out of character to not have it with me. You just never know when blog fodder is going to show up.
I knew my next game was at the same field so I made a mental note to bring my camera with me the next time.

The first time I saw this pipe there was actually condensation going through the space where the pipe is missing and re-entering the pipe above the space that terminates above the roof–which is missing a proper hat as well. The whole length of pipe is badly rusted and there was steam coming out of most of the joints along the length of pipe.

Since there was no section of pipe lying on the ground, I can only assume (dangerous word I know) that someone must know about it.
Fortunately this installation, as bad as it looks, is probably not as “dangerous” as it is “just plain wrong.”
Hopefully someone will approve the budget so that they can afford to fix it–maybe they can lay off another teacher. Then again maybe they already laid off the custodial staff–and the staff are all off venting somewhere else.
By Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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