![Treehouse dangers](https://www.buellinspections.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/treehouse1.jpg)
Do home inspectors inspect tree houses?
So the property has a tree house—-who else is going to look at it—-if not the inspector?
![treehouse1 treehouse](https://www.buellinspections.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/treehouse1.jpg)
If the inspector says, “Hell no—way too much liability!” What if some kid climbs up in the thing and falls through the floor?
The problem with liability around home inspections and buying houses is that whether inspected or not, if there is a problem on the property, everyone involved in the transaction (and everyone sleeping with anyone involved with the transaction), is likely going to be dragged into court by the wronged party. It really has nothing to do with who is at fault or whether anyone in the lawsuit had anything “actually” to do with the issue. That is just the way it is.
What does any buyer want from their inspector other than to feel that they have been taken care of? Don’t they want to be fully informed about the property?
As an inspector, if the buyer has a question about the property, I will give them my opinion if I am capable and qualified to do so or I will find them someone that can—-or direct them in the direction to find an answer on their own.
Taking care of people really isn’t rocket science and will reduce liability a lot better than saying, “Heck no—-too much liability!”
I recently inspected property that had a very large tree house that was in extremely poor condition and was a life safety hazard not only to the homeowner but to any kids in the neighborhood that might find their way into the structure. The thing about tree houses is that they are kid magnets. You may not be able to see it as an adult, but on the side of every tree house there is a sign that any kid can read—-even before they can read—-that basically says something like: “PLAY HERE!”
Now that you know it is there, can you (even though you are an adult) see it?
![treehouse2 Tree house](https://www.buellinspections.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/treehouse2.jpg)
By Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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