“They sure don’t make them like they used to.”
Everyone has heard this—-most of us have even said it. Usually I am likely to say something like, “And that is a good thing that they don’t”
Now you are probably wondering how this relates to whatever you are thinking about in terms of “measurements.” But this time I am talking “beams.”
Take a look at this Beauty!

She’s a 10 x 17 x 16!

Now those are some measurements!
This post is also a good example of how some structures can be more forgiving than others. Look back at the first picture and note all that form wood that has been left in place. The wood is in full contact with the bare ground and not a hint of decay/rot or wood destroying insects.
It has been this way for over 100 years.
By Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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