It is very common to open up the furnace and find the furnace filter out of place—-or worse, just plain missing.

This furnace was a little less usual in that while the cardboard frame was where it was supposed to be, the innards of the filter had been sucked into the blower fan and looked like some kind of furry beast (squirrel) attempting to use the blower like a treadmill.

This being an electric furnace, much of this filter had passed through the blower and some of it was hung up on the heating elements. Not too difficult to clean—but not something for the average homeowner to attempt.

Obviously when the filter gets this bad, not much of the air is being filtered. Just like gas and oil furnaces need servicing—electric furnaces need routine maintenance as well.
When was the last time you had your furnace service?
Charles Buell, Seattle Home Inspector
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