Do you have a Wireless Mouse?
I am sure this is one mouse that wishes he was “wireless”—unfortunately he can’t wish at all. This little guy was probably doing OK roaming around inside this electrical panel until he touched two wires that were on different “poles.” Mice, like all mammals, are not designed to “be” 240 volt appliances and death would have been instantaneous.

This little guy, in spite of being quite dead, still represents a health safety hazard.
I am assuming “he” is a “he” because something like 97.9% of all electricians are guys—-and why else would he be in the electric panel? Women do make mistakes regarding things they are clueless about (I can’t believe I thought that out loud) but messing with things electrical seems to be primarily the domain of Mice and Men.
This particular mouse is a White Footed Deer Mouse, and as such is a known vector for Hantavirus.
While instances of Hantavirus are quite rare, these critters and their feces/urine must be handled with a fair amount of respect due to possible health concerns—no matter how remote.
They are generally considered to be more of a problem in rural areas. The primary approach to protection from exposure to Hantavirus is geared toward keeping mice out of the house—-and out of electrical panels. Someone qualified will now have to remove the mouse.
Let’s leave fooling around with electricity to the “stupid”—-not the “ignorant,” whether a mouse or otherwise.
Charles Buell, Real Estate Inspections in Seattle
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